Render Form field error lists in ngMessages format


This requires AngularJS 1.3+ and the angular-messages module.


The NgMessagesMixin mixin is used in conjunction with the NgFormValidationMixin to facilitate the rendering of form field error lists, in the correct format for the ngMessages directive.

from django import forms
from djangular.forms import NgForm, NgFormValidationMixin, NgMessagesMixin

class MyNgMessagesForm(NgMessagesMixin, NgFormValidationMixin, NgForm):
        form_name = 'my_form'
        email = forms.EmailField(label='Email')

Then using {{ }} would output the following markup:

<ul class="djng-field-errors" ng-messages="$error" ng-show="my_form.$submitted ||$dirty">
        <li ng-message="required" class="invalid">This field is required.</li>
        <li ng-message="email" class="invalid">Enter a valid email address.</li>
        <li ng-message="rejected" class="invalid">
                <span ng-bind="$message"></span>

Handling Ajax form errors

The NgMessagesMixin adds the djng-rejected directive attribute to each form input. This directive handles the display and remvoval of server side errors, by adding a rejected validator to the input‘s ngModel.$validators pipeline.

<input id="id_email" name="email" ng-model="email" type="email" required djng-rejected>

The djngAngularMessagesForm.setErrors method is used to parse the errors from the server response and apply them to the relevant fields.

.factory('myFormService', function($http, djngAngularMessagesForm) {

        return {
                submit: function(data, form) {
                        return $'my/form/url', data)
                                                .success(function(response) {
                                                        if(!djngAngularMessagesForm.setErrors(form, response.errors)) {
                                                                // we have no errors

The markup below is a snippet of the {{ }} shown earlier. It shows the specific part that deals with the display of the rejected error message. The <span> to bind to the value of$message and display the message is necessary due to the following bug/issue_.

<li ng-message="rejected" class="invalid">
        <span ng-bind="$message"> /* rejected error message will be displayed here */ </span>

Use with other django-angular form mixins

The NgMessagesMixin must always be used in conjunction with the NgFormValidationMixin and it should also be inherited after all other django-angular form mixins.

Valid examples:

from django import forms
from djangular.forms import NgForm, NgFormValidationMixin, NgMessagesMixin

class MyNgMessagesForm(NgMessagesMixin, NgFormValidationMixin, NgForm):
        # custom form logic


from django import forms
from djangular.forms import NgForm, NgModelFormMixin, NgFormValidationMixin, NgMessagesMixin

class MyNgMessagesForm(NgMessagesMixin, NgModelFormMixin, NgFormValidationMixin, NgForm):
        # custom form logic

Invalid examples:

from django import forms
from djangular.forms import NgForm, NgModelFormMixin, NgMessagesMixin

class MyNgMessagesForm(NgMessagesMixin, NgModelFormMixin, NgForm):
        # custom form logic


from django import forms
from djangular.forms import NgForm, NgFormValidationMixin, NgMessagesMixin

class MyNgMessagesForm(NgFormValidationMixin, NgMessagesMixin, NgForm):
        # custom form logic


Depending on the combination of form mixins used, up to a 30% decrease in watchers can be achieved when using the NgMessagesMixin