Perform basic CRUD operations

When using Angular’s $resource to build services, each service comes with free CRUD (create, read, update, delete) methods:

{ 'get':    {method:'GET'},
  'save':   {method:'POST'},
  'query':  {method:'GET', isArray:true},
  'remove': {method:'DELETE'},
  'delete': {method:'DELETE'}

Of course this need support on the server side. This can easily be done with djangular NgCRUDView.


remove() and delete() do exactly the same thing. Usage of remove() is encouraged, since delete is a reserved word in IE.


Subclass NgCRUDView and override model attribute:

from djangular.views.crud import NgCRUDView

class MyCRUDView(NgCRUDView):
    model = MyModel

Add urlconf entry pointing to the view:

url(r'^crud/mymodel/?$', MyCRUDView.as_view(), name='my_crud_view'),

Set up Angular service using $resource:

var myServices = angular.module('myServices', ['ngResource']);

myServices.factory('MyModel', ['$resource', function($resource) {
    return $resource('/crud/mymodel/', {'pk': '@pk'}, {


Since there is a known bug with $resource not respecting trailing slash, the urls in Django urlconf used by $resource must either not have trailing slash or it should be optional (preferred) - e.g. url/?. Adding the trailing slash to the $resource configuration regardless (/crud/mymodel/) ensures future compatibility in case the bug gets fixed and will then follow Django’s trailing slash convention. This has been fixed in AngularJS 1.3. More information here trailingSlashBugFix

Another quick change is required to Angular app config, without this DELETE requests fail CSRF test:

var my_app = angular.module('myApp', [/* other dependencies */, 'ngCookies']).run(
    function($http, $cookies) {
        $['X-CSRFToken'] = $cookies.csrftoken;
        // Add the following two lines
        $http.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'csrftoken';
        $http.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRFToken';

That’s it. Now you can use CRUD methods.

Optional attributes

The following options are currently available to subclasses of NgCRUDView:


Set this to a tuple or list of field names for only retrieving a subset of model fields during a get or query operation. Alternatively, if this may vary (e.g. based on query parameters or between get and query) override the get_fields() method instead.

With None (default), all model fields are returned. The object identifier (pk) is always provided, regardless of the selection.


Similar to Django’s SingleObjectMixin, objects can be selected using an alternative key such as a title or a user name. Especially when using the ngRoute module of AngularJS, this makes construction of descriptive URLs easier. Query parameters can be extracted directly from $route or $routeParams and passed to the query.

This attribute (default is 'slug') describes the field name in the model as well as the query parameter from the client. For example, if it is set to 'name', perform a query using

var model = MyModel.get({name: "My name"});


Although the view will not enforce it, it is strongly recommended that you only use unique fields for this purpose. Otherwise this can lead to a MultipleObjectsReturned exception, which is not handled by this implementation.

Also note that you still need to pass the object identifier pk on update and delete operations. Whereas for save operations, the check on pk makes the distinction between an update and a create operation, this restriction on deletes is only for safety purposes.

Usage example

myControllers.controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', 'MyModel', function ($scope, MyModel) {
    // Query returns an array of objects, MyModel.objects.all() by default
    $scope.models = MyModel.query();

    // Getting a single object
    var model = MyModel.get({pk: 1});

    // We can crete new objects
    var new_model = new MyModel({name: 'New name'});
    // In callback we push our new object to the models array

    // Updating objects = 'Test name';

    // Deleting objects
    // This deletes the object on server, but it still exists in the models array
    // To delete it in frontend we have to remove it from the models array



In real world applications you might want to restrict access to certain methods. This can be done using decorators, such as @login_required. For additional functionality JSONResponseMixin and NgCRUDView can be used together.