Release History


  • Rather than checking if a field in a form that uses the NgMixins is in djng.forms.fields, check if the field inherits from DefaultFieldMixin. Allows the use of custom form fields.


  • Added spinner to upload areas. Whenever one uploads a file, the wheel spins to improve the client’s user experience.


  • Instead of adding extra functionality to Django’s form fields via inheritance magic, now one must use the corresponding field classes from djng.forms.fields if its own form class inheritis from NgForm or NgModelForm.
  • Added support to upload files and images via Ajax.


  • Added templatetag djng_locale_script to include the proper AngularJS locale script.


  • Fixed #297 “Method get_context() on custom Widget is never called”: Added class NgWidgetMixin which allows to override method get_context() in custom widgets.
  • Fixed #288 Incorrect <label for="..."> in widget RadioChoiceInput.


  • Added support for Django 1.10 and 1.11, tests & travis updated.
  • Drop support for Django 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9.
  • Removed templatetag {% csrf_value %}, since Django offers ab equivalent tag.
  • Fix file input css (remove the border) and add some documentation about common reported errors.
  • Remove support for bower in favor of npm.
  • Fix exception while rendering Angular Form using as_ul.


  • Added two optional Sekiazai’s postprocessors for better dependency resolution of AngularJS imports and module initialization.


  • Refactored client side test runner to use npm instead of Grunt.
  • Use tox to create the testing matrix.
  • Fix #261: ModelMultipleChoiceField and CheckboxSelectMultiple.
  • Deprecate {% csrf_value %} in favour of {{ csrf_token }}.


  • On the client side, validation of the email address is done using the same regular expression as is used by Django. Until 0.8.1, the less restrictive Angular validation patterns were used.
  • Some widgets require more finegrained formatting capabilities.Added a slightly modified method method:django.forms.utils.flatatt which can use its own context for formatting.


  • Fixed a bug in NgModelFormMixin.get_form_data(): Using and ... or ... as ternary operator can have unwanted side effects. Also changed other occurrences.


  • djangular has been renamed to djng and ng.django-... has been renamed to djng-.... This was required by many users since it: - caused a naming conflict with another django app named djangular and - the identifier “djangular” by many users was seen as a bad choice. - violated the AngularJS principle that only their modules shall be prefixed with “ng”. Please read for the preceded discussion on this topic.
  • Support for ngMessages was removed again because - its code base was buggy and unmaintained - it does not make much sense to reduce the amount of auto-generated HTML - it added an alternative form rendering mixin, without any additional functionality
  • In the <select> element, the default <option selected="selected"> did not work anymore. This regression was introduced in 0.7.16.


  • Ready for Django-1.9.
  • Fixed: Non-ascii characters were not being processed correctly by django.http.request.QueryDict.init.
  • In JavaScript, replaced console.log by $log.log.
  • Use decimal base on invocation of parseInt.
  • Use square brackets to access scope members, which otherwise won’t support fields containing -.
  • templatetag load_djng_urls has been removed.
  • For CRUD, check if request method is allowed.
  • Fixed djngError directive, when using AngularJS-1.3.
  • Added support for ngMessages, as available with AngularJS-1.3.


  • Simplified middleware for reversing the URL.
  • Reversing url in djangoUrl service can now be overriden.


  • Supporting Django-1.8.
  • The widget bootstrap3.widgets.CheckboxInput got a keyword to set the choice label of a field. This allows to style this kind of field individually in a Django Form.


  • Change for Forms inheriting from NgFormBaseMixin using field_css_classes as dict: CSS classes specified as default now must explicitly be added the fields defining their own CSS classes. Before this was implicit.
  • Added AngularJS directive djng-bind-if. See docs for details.
  • Reverted fix for FireFox checkbox change sync issue (135) since it manipulated the DOM. Instead added scope.$apply() which fixes the issue on FF.
  • In BS3 styling, added CheckboxFieldRenderer to CheckboxInlineFieldRenderer (the default), so that forms with multiple checkbox input fields can be rendered as block items instead of inlines.
  • In BS3 styling, added RadioFieldRenderer to RadioInlineFieldRenderer (the default), so that forms with multiple radio input fields can be rendered as block items instead of inlines.
  • Fixed ‘classic form’ issue whereby ngModel was not being added to select of textarea elements, so returned errors where not displayed.


  • No functional changes.


  • Using field.html_name instead of Otherwise add_prefix() function on form objects doesn’t work properly.
  • Fixed Firefox checkbox change sync issue caused by click and change firing in opposite order to other browsers. Switched to ng-change to normalise behaviour.
  • Moved rejected error cleanup logic into field.clearRejected method, so that it can be removed from anywhere that has access to the field.
  • Fixed issue in rejected error clean up loop.
  • Added missing subfield cleanup to rejected error cleanup loop.
  • Added AngularJS service djangoUrl to resolve URLs on the client in the same way as on the server.


  • Fixed inheritance problem (#122) caused by a metaclass conflicting with Django’s DeclarativeFieldsMetaclass. This now should fix some issues when using forms.ModelForm. This fix changed the API slightly.
  • Fixed expansion for templatetag {% angularjs %} (#117) when using lists in Python / arrays in JavaScript.


  • TupleErrorList has been adopted to fully support Django-1.7.


  • Fixed: ng-minlength and ng-maxlength are not set to None if unset.
  • Fixed: Concatenated latest version of django-angular.js.


  • Refactored the code base. It now is much easier to understand the code and to add custom Fields and Widgets.
  • Fixed the behaviour of all Widgets offered by Django. They now all validate independently of the method (Post or Ajax) used to submit data to the server.


  • Fixed regression when using Bootstrap3FormMixin in combination with widgets.CheckboxSelectMultiple.


  • Added: Template tag {% angularjs %} which allows to share templates between Django and AngularJS.
  • Fixed: Using {{ field.error }} returned unsafe text.
  • Fixed: Adjust the regular expression and run grunt build.


  • Fixed: Error rendering while for hidden input fields.
  • Fixed: Bootstrap3 styling: label for field was rendered as lazy object instead of string.
  • Added: Url resolvers for angular controllers.


  • Added support to render a Django Form using a plugable style. Bootstrap3 styling has been implemented.
  • Added AngularJS directive for <input> fields: They now add a dummy ngModel to some input fields, so that Forms using the NgFormBaseMixin honor the pristine state and display an error list from the bound form.
  • Replaced AngularJS directive for form by a directive for ngModel. This directive restores the values in bound forms otherwise not vivible in the browser.
  • Fixed: Instead of adding attributes to Form Field Widgets, those additional attributes now are added on the fly while rendering. This caused some problems, when Forms were reused in different contexts.
  • Fixed: Behavior for BooleanField and MultipleChoiceField has been fixed so AngularJS form validation.


  • Fixed: select fields, multiple select fields, radio and checkbox input fields and text areas are handled by the built-in form directive to adopt Django’s bound forms for AngularJS.


  • For remote method invocation, replace keyword action against a private HTTP-header DjNg-Remote-Method. Added template tags djng_all_rmi and djng_current_rmi which return a list of methods to be used for remote invocation.
  • Experimental support for Python-3.3.


  • Refactored errors handling code for form validation. It now is much easier and more flexible for mixing in other form based classes.
  • Added a date validator using an AngularJS directive. * Can be used as a starting point for other customized validators.
  • Added another view, which can be used for NgModelMixin without NgValidationMixin.
  • Added new directory to handle client code. * Separated JS files for easier development. * Grunt now builds, verifies and concatenates that code. * Karma and Jasmine run unit tests for client code. * A minified version of django-angular.js is build by grunt and npm-uglify.
  • Rewritten the demo pages to give a good starting point for your own projects.


  • ADOPT YOUR SOURCES: The Javascript file /static/js/djng-websocket.js has been moved and renamed to /static/djangular/js/django-angular.js
  • Internal error messages generated by server side validation, now are mixed with AngularJS’s validation errors.
  • A special list-item is added to the list of errors. It is shown if the input field contains valid data.
  • Input fields of bound forms, now display the content of the field, as expected. This requires the Angular module ng.django.forms.


  • Refactored NgFormValidationMixin, so that potential AngularJS errors do not interfere with Django’s internal error list. This now allows to use the same form definition for bound and unbound forms.


  • Bug fix for CRUD view.


  • Support for basic CRUD view.


  • Added three way data binding.


  • Removed @csrf_exempt on dispatch method for Ajax requests.


Client side form validation for Django forms using AngularJS



  • Set Cache-Control: no-cache for Ajax GET requests.


  • added handler to mixin class for ajax get requests.
  • moved unit tests into testing directory.
  • changed request.raw_post_data -> request.body.
  • added possibility to pass get and post requests through to inherited view class.


  • optimized CI process


  • added first documents


  • better packaging support


  • fixed initial data in NgModelFormMixin


  • initial revision