Release History


  • TupleErrorList has been adopted to fully support Django-1.7.


  • Fixed: ng-minlength and ng-maxlength are not set to None if unset.
  • Fixed: Concatenated latest version of django-angular.js.


  • Refactored the code base. It now is much easier to understand the code and to add custom Fields and Widgets.
  • Fixed the behaviour of all Widgets offered by Django. They now all validate independently of the method (Post or Ajax) used to submit data to the server.


  • Fixed regression when using Bootstrap3FormMixin in combination with widgets.CheckboxSelectMultiple.


  • Added: Template tag {% angularjs %} which allows to share templates between Django and AngularJS.
  • Fixed: Using {{ field.error }} returned unsafe text.
  • Fixed: Adjust the regular expression and run grunt build.


  • Fixed: Error rendering while for hidden input fields.
  • Fixed: Bootstrap3 styling: label for field was rendered as lazy object instead of string.
  • Added: Url resolvers for angular controllers.


  • Added support to render a Django Form using a plugable style. Bootstrap3 styling has been implemented.
  • Added AngularJS directive for <input> fields: They now add a dummy ngModel to some input fields, so that Forms using the NgFormBaseMixin honor the pristine state and display an error list from the bound form.
  • Replaced AngularJS directive for form by a directive for ngModel. This directive restores the values in bound forms otherwise not vivible in the browser.
  • Fixed: Instead of adding attributes to Form Field Widgets, those additional attributes now are added on the fly while rendering. This caused some problems, when Forms were reused in different contexts.
  • Fixed: Behavior for BooleanField and MultipleChoiceField has been fixed so AngularJS form validation.


  • Fixed: select fields, multiple select fields, radio and checkbox input fields and text areas are handled by the built-in form directive to adopt Django’s bound forms for AngularJS.


  • For remote method invocation, replace keyword action against a private HTTP-header DjNg-Remote-Method. Added template tags djng_all_rmi and djng_current_rmi which return a list of methods to be used for remote invocation.
  • Experimental support for Python-3.3.


  • Refactored errors handling code for form validation. It now is much easier and more flexible for mixing in other form based classes.
  • Added a date validator using an AngularJS directive. * Can be used as a starting point for other customized validators.
  • Added another view, which can be used for NgModelMixin without NgValidationMixin.
  • Added new directory to handle client code. * Separated JS files for easier development. * Grunt now builds, verifies and concatenates that code. * Karma and Jasmine run unit tests for client code. * A minified version of django-angular.js is build by grunt and npm-uglify.
  • Rewritten the demo pages to give a good starting point for your own projects.


  • ADOPT YOUR SOURCES: The Javascript file /static/js/djng-websocket.js has been moved and renamed to /static/djangular/js/django-angular.js
  • Internal error messages generated by server side validation, now are mixed with AngularJS’s validation errors.
  • A special list-item is added to the list of errors. It is shown if the input field contains valid data.
  • Input fields of bound forms, now display the content of the field, as expected. This requires the Angular module ng.django.forms.


  • Refactored NgFormValidationMixin, so that potential AngularJS errors do not interfere with Django’s internal error list. This now allows to use the same form definition for bound and unbound forms.


  • Bug fix for CRUD view.


  • Support for basic CRUD view.


  • Added three way data binding.


  • Removed @csrf_exempt on dispatch method for Ajax requests.


Client side form validation for Django forms using AngularJS



  • Set Cache-Control: no-cache for Ajax GET requests.


  • added handler to mixin class for ajax get requests.
  • moved unit tests into testing directory.
  • changed request.raw_post_data -> request.body.
  • added possibility to pass get and post requests through to inherited view class.


  • optimized CI process


  • added first documents


  • better packaging support


  • fixed initial data in NgModelFormMixin


  • initial revision